Friday, April 30th, is National Arbor Day, a day dedicated to trees! Now, Spring, is a great time to think about planting new trees. It gives them a long growing season to get settled into their new home.
Although trees are undeniably a beautiful addition to any outdoor space, they don't just help screen out unsightly views. Here are some other great benefits of planting trees:
Planting a native tree supports native birds and other wildlife.
During one year, a mature tree will absorb more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen in exchange.
Trees and shrubs planted for windbreaks can cut fuel consumption by an average of 40%, according to the US Department of Energy.
The shade that trees provide can slow evaporation from the lawns they cover, reducing the need to water.
Trees can go a long way toward improving a home's value when it's time to sell. Landscaping that includes healthy, mature trees can add between 10 and 20 percent to a home's property values.
Trees improve well-being. Studies have shown that exposure to trees boosts concentration and overall mood, reducing the potential for stress, anxiety, and depression.
With all these benefits, planting trees should be a part of your spring landscaping plans. Even if you don't actually plant a tree this Friday, check out the Arbor Day Foundation's page for ways you can celebrate.

Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (2020, April 17). Tip of the Week: Arbor Week.
Total Landscape Care (2015, April 15). This Arbor Day, convince your clients to plant more trees.