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Writer's pictureBev Jackson

Plants of the Year for 2021

The National Garden Bureau once again chose five plants of the year. For 2021, they have chosen hibiscus (shrub), monarda or bee balm (perennial), hyacinth (bulb crop), garden bean (edible), and sunflower (annual). Plants are chosen because they are popular, easy-to-grow, widely adaptable, genetically diverse, and versatile.

Learn more about these trendy plants and then add one or more to your garden in 2021.

Hardy hibiscus have huge 7-8" wide lavender pink flowers with greater water needs. Colorado gardeners should look for the Summerific variety for best results

Native monarda fistulosa, aka wild bergamot or bee balm is in the mint family and is noted for its fragrance and will also keep pollinators happy.

Hyacinth are known for their fragrant blossoms and bright colors. Plant the bulbs in the fall for beautiful spring blooms.

Garden beans offer a wide variety. Edible bean crop options include native Anasazi or Christmas beans, hardy pinto beans, or bush green beans, a favorite at the dinner table.

Sunflowers might be the trendiest plant of the bunch. They can withstand frost so are an excellent choice for early planting. Plus, there are 60 species to choose from.


Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (2021, Jan. 1). Tip of the Week: Plants of the Year.

Native monarda fistulosa, aka bee balm or wild bergamot


Garden beans


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